Easy And Quick Chicken Cat Food Recipe
November 1, 2016, was National Cook For Your Pets Day. If your cat is a total diva, then chances are he or she is expecting a five-course meal and their own setting at the dinner table. We cook for our kids, so it only seems fair that at least one day out of the year we cook for our cats too, right?
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Before you rush to the kitchen to whip up some Cordon Bleu or Prime Rib for your furry feline friend, take in to consideration that not all food we consume is safe for our cats to eat too. Obviously, you shouldn’t serve your cat alcohol, sugar-free sweeteners can be deadly, food with high salt amounts can poison your pets, and believe it or not cats should also steer clear of citrus, grapes, and raisins.
The ASPCA has a lengthy list of foods that pets should avoid, which you should definitely check out before you hit the kitchen.
The great thing about cooking for your cats – is they are actually much less picky than your kids. Some steamed veggies mashed up with a can of sardines or tuna, with a splash of tomato sauce drizzled on top will most likely make their entire day.
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If you have a lot of free time on your hands and REALLY want to spoil your cat on National Cook For Your Pets Day this year, you can try out this simple and yummy Sauteed Chicken Thighs & Veggies
2 LBS Boneless Skinless Chicken Things
1 Carrot, 1 Potato, 1 Butternut Squash [you may want to choose small veggies if you are only cooking for one cat]
1 Can Sardines [Whole]
Olive Oil
Fresh Herbs [Oregano, Sage, Thyme, Etc]
First, you will need to peel and chop up your veggies and toss them on a cookie sheet drizzled with olive oil, bake in the oven at 350 degrees for roughly half an hour, or until they are soft enough to mash up with a fork.
Meanwhile, heat a frying pan on the stove with a few TSP of olive oil. Slice your chicken in to strips and saute like you would for yourself.
Finally, mix cooked chicken, baked veggies, and herbs in a bowl and serve! You may want to mash up the veggies a bit just to be on the safe side – some cats like to try and pick out the chicken and skip they healthy stuff. If it is all mixed well together, they are more likely to eat it all – and not just the good stuff!
Print The Recipe To Use Later!
- 2 LBS Boneless Skinless Chicken Things
- 1 Carrot, 1 Potato, 1 Butternut Squash [you may want to choose small veggies if you are only cooking for one cat]
- 1 Can Sardines [Whole]
- Olive Oil
- Fresh Herbs [Oregano, Sage, Thyme, Etc]
- First, you will need to peel and chop up your veggies and toss them on a cookie sheet drizzled with olive oil, bake in the oven at 350 degrees for roughly half an hour, or until they are soft enough to mash up with a fork.
- Meanwhile, heat a frying pan on the stove with a few TSP of olive oil. Slice your chicken in to strips and saute like you would for yourself.
- Finally, mix cooked chicken, baked veggies, and herbs in a bowl and serve!
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You are such a great pet mom, making fresh cat food for your cats! I know my cats would adore me forever if I fed them this instead of canned or fresh cat food. Thank you for showing me how easy it can be to cook for your cats.
My cat would truly love this!! Anytime she sees me getting dinner ready, she is right there meowing and begging for me to give her some!
You are such a great pet mom, making fresh cat food for your cats! I know my cats would adore me forever if I fed them this instead of canned or fresh cat food. Thank you for showing me how easy it can be to cook for your cats.
My cat would truly love this!! Anytime she sees me getting dinner ready, she is right there meowing and begging for me to give her some!
I’ve heard that cat food can get quite expensive. What a great idea to make it yourself.
I’ve heard that cat food can get quite expensive. What a great idea to make it yourself.
the sardines in that recipe would make my cat happy. Thats his favorite food. 🙂
the sardines in that recipe would make my cat happy. Thats his favorite food. 🙂
This Sauteed Chicken Thighs and Veggies cat food sounds awesome for any cat. I will have to share this recipe and the beef one with my brother for his little diva kitty. Thanks for sharing the recipes.
This Sauteed Chicken Thighs and Veggies cat food sounds awesome for any cat. I will have to share this recipe and the beef one with my brother for his little diva kitty. Thanks for sharing the recipes.
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[…] You Might Also Like —> Easy And Quick Chicken Cat Food Recipe […]
Oregano is toxic to cats and many spices
Should I reheat leftovers or serve from frig?
This recipe does not say what to do with the sardines in the instructions…
Yeh I was wondering about that too
As you are mixing other food place 2 sardines on salted cracker and enjoy
Please delete oregano from the recipe: it is TOXIC to cats!
Cats are obligate carnivores. They do not need vegetables for good health. Your cat does not need spiced food like a human. Ask ANY vet. And please remove oregano-it’s TOXIC to cats.
I disagree completely.squash and sweet potatoes r very good for cats
I recently took my cat to the vet and she was on a very strict lean meat diet and they told me to give her a teaspoon of sweet potato every day so that she could be able to go the bathroom properly. Cats DO need fiber! They do eat grass and veggies, they don’t just eat meat.
I agree with this author. The herbs …skip it. Good for humans, bad for cats! Also, the veggies, bad for cats again, they can’t digest it and their poop is slimy and smelly when they eat it.
I didn’t put any herbs or spices in it as my cat is very sensitive and he loves it as is. Great recipe.
Even with using small vegtables there was tons of food, luckily it freezes well and makes for a great treat
Do not use herbs or potatoes or any startchy ingredients in your cat’s food.
Cats are carnivores, the survive on protein and the minerals that come with eating meat. However you do want to add additional vitamins through supplements to ensure your cat meets the requirement, as home made food may not have enough in them.
Introducing home cooked food should be good. Eat only highly processed food cannot be good for them…
The receipe didn’t mention when to add the sardines and are we using fresh or canned in water or oil?
Instead of sweet potato could you use pumpkin?
Cat nutrition information at catinfo.org has a max of 10% carbs. Veggies and starches are carbs, use caution when adding these. Diabetes in cats is expensive.
Why does it call for sardines?
Assuming the sardines get added in the last step?
No mention of taurine. There are supplements that cats need
This recipe is not balanced and will not provide all the nutrients a cat needs. It is lacking in essential nutrients like calcium, zinc, manganese, vit E, selenium, zinc, iron, copper, choline and more – taurine is essential for cats and not sufficient in this recipe. Cats are obligate carnivores so veg not necessary and potatoes are especially bad. Olive oil is not suitable for an obligate carnivore. The cooking temperature recommended will cause acrylamide formation which is detrimental to health.
Please, if you are not trained in animal nutrition, don’t post recipes which will cause harm to peoples pets.
omg Deedee, you hit it right on the head.