5 Tips to Finding Your Lost Cat

If you’re a cat owner, there’s nothing worse than losing your kitty. The very thought of it is enough to make the very best of us feel utterly sick. After all, what could be worse than having your most cherished pet disappear?

Once your cat has gone missing, the crucial thing is that you act as fast as you can. The longer you leave it, the less likely you are to find your kitty. That’s a fact. So, where should you start? Well, there are a few things you can do that will help.

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  1. Put posters up around town

Of course, the very first thing you need to do is put up some posters. These things really don’t have to be fancy. They can be pretty plain and simple actually. You just need to put a photo of your cat, your address, and your phone number. That way, you can make sure that you’ve covered all the major bases.

  1. Make a temporary cat home

If your cat does come back looking for you, you need to make sure that they have somewhere safe to stay. You may not have a cat door, so here’s a handy trick. Get a cardboard box and cut a hole in the front of it (as a doorway for your cat) and then stuff it with some cushions. If your kitty returns home, they can hideout here.

  1. Post a ‘lost cat’ advert online

The internet is your best option when it comes to letting people know that you’ve lost your kitty. Popping an advert online means that people will have an easy way to get in touch and the like. You can likely post a free advert on Gumtree or, indeed, Craigslist.

Related: Tips for Spotting Feline Anxiety in Multiple Cat Households

  1. Keep checking the newspaper

If someone does find your pet, you may find that they put an advert in a local newspaper. After your cat has gone missing, you should be sure to buy all the newspapers in your area for a while. You never know what you may find.

  1. Check the square mile around your home

In general, cats don’t wander more than a square mile away from their home. That means that the best way to find your cat is to check that area right away. The first 48 hours is a crucial time. The sooner you get out there and start looking, the better. Remember, sometimes, checking the most unexpected places does all the good in the world.

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Catfinding lost catfinding lost catslost cattips for lost cat
Comments (12)
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  • Tara Pittman

    Losing your cat can be tough. Great tips to help people.

  • Guest

    Losing your cat can be tough. Great tips to help people.

  • Anosa

    I am not a cat lover but this is definitely a nice list for those who are cat lovers. Will share this as well to my friends who are cat lovers.

  • Guest

    I am not a cat lover but this is definitely a nice list for those who are cat lovers. Will share this as well to my friends who are cat lovers.

  • Aduke @ Aduke Schulist

    There are so many communities set up around our area to help find lost pets. I think it’s great

  • Guest

    There are so many communities set up around our area to help find lost pets. I think it’s great

  • Jennifer

    I remember when my family and I were preparing to move to another state, our cat ran away for a couple of days. She had never run away before so it was really surprising to us. I ended up posting on my Facebook that she was lost and then shared it with the animal shelter. Thankfully, she returned home. After that, I got the electronic chip for just in case we ever lost her again. It’s no fun losing your pet!

  • Guest

    I remember when my family and I were preparing to move to another state, our cat ran away for a couple of days. She had never run away before so it was really surprising to us. I ended up posting on my Facebook that she was lost and then shared it with the animal shelter. Thankfully, she returned home. After that, I got the electronic chip for just in case we ever lost her again. It’s no fun losing your pet!

  • Elizabeth

    Great tips, these, but cats are usually pretty good at making their way home on their own – eventually! #6 don’t worry, they’ll come back when they want to. 😉

  • Guest

    Great tips, these, but cats are usually pretty good at making their way home on their own – eventually! #6 don’t worry, they’ll come back when they want to. 😉

  • Alayna

    My first step would be to have a panic attack 😛 But thanks for these tips. I love the cardboard box idea!

  • Guest

    My first step would be to have a panic attack 😛 But thanks for these tips. I love the cardboard box idea!